Shipping & Delivery

Welcome to If you are interested in any product on our website and live too far to drive down and pick up in person, then we can make the arrangements for you to have your item on a next or same-day delivery. The item will be shipped to the closest airport near you or hand-delivered to your home. Delivery prices are per county, region, or country. In most cases, the item will arrive within 5-8 hours within the US and 72 hours max international delivery from the departure time. However, sometimes delays do occur due to weather or other factors, so check the flight with the airline before you leave your home to go to the airport.


International Customers contact us for a quote
If you decide to have your item shipped to you, we will need the following information:

  1. Your full names on your I.D. for you will need to show this at the airport cargo desk when you pick up your item.
  2. The full name of someone else who also has an I.D., as a “back up’ person for pickup so they can pick up your goods, in case of an emergency you are unable.
  3. Your physical address, it cannot be a post office box
  4. Phone numbers that you can easily be reached at (preferably at least two numbers)
  5. The name of the COUNTY that you live in
  6. The name of the airport that you prefer your goods to arrive at, and the name of an optional airport
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